What is Bid'ah (Innovation)?
Bid’ah: is every belief or saying or action which came about after the death of the
Prophet (saw) with the intention of worship and seeking nearness (To Allah) without any evidence for it from the book or from the Sunnah.
Bid’ah (Innovation) is of Two Types
1.) Major Bid’ah: It is the bid’ah of Kufr and it expels one from the religion.
This is one who calls others to the bid’ah (innovation)
2.) Lesser Bid’ah: it does not expel one from the religion but it is a sin,
these are ones who do not call to bid’ah (Innovation)
The Five Categories of Bid’ah
1.) Bid’ah I’tiqaadeeyah
2.) Bid’ah Lafdheeyah
3.) Bid’ah Badaneeyah
4.) Bid’ah Maaleeyah
5.) Bid’ah Tarkeeyah
*All of them are misguidance and some of them are more evil than others.*
Bid’ah I’tiqaadeeyah (Belief)
It is every belief opposing the Book and Sunnah
Bi’ah Lafdheeyah (Words)
It is every saying which a person utters (intended) as worship and
it is in opposition to the Book and the Sunnah.
Bid’ah Badaneeyah (Movement)
It is every movement, which originates from a person (intended) as worship and
it is in opposition to the Book and Sunnah.
Bid’ah Maaleeyah (Wealth)
It is every item of wealth, which is spent as worship on things are in opposition
to the Book and Sunnah.
Bid’ah Tarkeeyah (Abandoned)
It is everything that is abandoned from the Deen or the permissible and lawful,
intended as Worship, such as the one who leaves marriage or leaves eating,
meat intending worship, piety and self-denial.