Fear ALLAH Wherever You Are!

The Obedient
Re- About Muhammad (SAW) youtube campaign
Campaigns : Imam Anwar Al Awlaki: Take Action for Imam Anwar Awlaki - Sample Letters Provided
Friday, 9 February 2007
FT10- The Prohibition of Supplication/Vows/Sacrificing/Swearing
Evidence 1:
"Verily, those whom you call upon besides Allaah are slave like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful."(Al-Araaf:194)
Evidence 2:
"And those whom you call upon besides Him (Allaah) cannot help you not can they help themselves" (Al-Araaf:197)
Evidence 1:
"Those whom they (the Polytheist) invoke besides Allaah have not created anything, but are themselves created. They are dead, not alive, and they know not when they will be raised up." (An-Nahl:20-21)
Evidence 2:
"O Mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it; Verily, those whom you call besides Allaah, cannot create (even) a fly, even if they combine together for a purpose. And if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly, so waek are (both) the seeker and the sought."(Al-Hajj:73)
Evidence 3:
"…Such is Allaah, your Lord; His is the Kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmir (the thin membrane over the date-stone). If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not you call: and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grand it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad) like Him who the All-Knower (of everything) (Faatir: 13-14)
From Abdullah Ibn Abbas (ra) who said that he was ridding behind the Messenger of Allaah (saw) who said to him,
"Oh young boy, I will teach you some words. Remember Allaah and He will remember you. Remember Allaah and you find Him supporting you when you ask. Then ask from Allaah and when you seek help then seek help from Allaah. And know if the nations were to unite upon something by which they would benefit you, they would not be able to benefit you except by something which Allaah has already prescribed for you. And if the nations were to unite upon something by which they would harm you they would not be able to harm you except by something which Allaah has already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry." (Aboo Daawood 2/67-77)
The Vows is Worship and Worship is not be Established Except for Allaah
"And wheatever you spend from your wealth (e.g.Sadaqa-Charity for Allah's cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allahs knows it all. And for the Dhaalimoon (Wrongdoers) there are no helpers."…Al-Baqarah:270
"(Remember) when the wife of 'Imraan said:"O my Lord! I have vowed to You (the child that is in my womb to be dedicated to your services) (free from all worldly work;to serve Your place of worship), so accept this from me. Verily, you are the Hearer, the All-Knowing."---Aal-'Imraan:35
From 'Aishah (ra) who said that the Prophet (saw) said "Whoever vows that he will be obedient to Allaah, should remain obedient to Him, and whoever made a vow that he will disobey Allah, should not disobey Him."…Al-Bukharee 7/233,243.
The Prohibition of Sacrificing for Other than Allaah
From ' Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) said, "Allaah has cursed whoever sacrifices to other than Allaah."---Muslim 3/1567
"Say (O Muhammad): 'Verily, my Salaat (prayer),my sacrifice,my living and my dying are for Allaah, the Lord of the Aalimeen (Mankind,Jinn and all that exists). He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of Muslims."---Al-An'aam:162-163
Evidence 2:
"Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)."---Al-Kauthar:2
Except if he repents to Allaah (swt), so whoever repents then Allaah will forgive Him. "Allaah has cursed whoever sacrifices to other than Allaah."---Muslim 3/1567.
The Prohibition of Swearing By Other Than Allaah
From Abdullah bin Umar (ra) that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) met Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) while the latter was going with a group of camel-riders, and he was swearing by his father. The prophet (saw) said, "Behold! Allaah forbids you to swear by your fathers, so whoever has take an oath, he should swear by Allaah or keep quiet."---Al-Bukharee 8/641
From Buraidah (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) said, "Whoever takes an oath by the trust he is not from us."---Aboo Dawoo 3/223
From these authentic Prophetic evidences is a clarification of the prohibition of taking oath by other than Alaah.
Such as by the 'trust' and by the 'life' of by the 'salt' or by the honor or by the father, grandfather, the 'ka'bah', the prophet (saw) or by brothers or friendship or by colleague-ship or by military rank, to swear by divorce, and other that instead of Allaah.
And taking an oath is not permissible to be established for anyone except Allaah alone, having no partner.
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT09- The Definition of Shirk/Types/Categories
-Linguistically the word "Shirk" implies a partner or helper
-Islamically it means "Affirming partners (Sharik with Allaah) also
-Means to make a Du'a to other than Allaah in Matters which is only Allaah should be asked, also
-To believe that a certain objects has powers that only Allaah has, also
-Intending an act of worship that Allaah has commanded to other than Allaah.
Shirk is of Two Types
1.) Shirk of Belief: Akbar (the major) it expels one from the religion, also known as Shirk of Kufr (disbelief)
*This is of Three Types:
1.) Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
2.) Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
3.) Shirk on Asmaa was Sifaat ( Names and Attributes)
2.) Shirk of Action: Asghar (the minor) it does not expel one from the religion.
*This is of Three types
1.) Shirk of Showing off and publicity
2.) Hidden Shirk
3.) The Verbal Shirk
The Dangers of Shirk With Allaah (Ascribing Patners to Allaah)
Evidence 1:
"Verily, Allaah forgive snot that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives other than that to whom He wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allaah on worship, he ahs indeed a tremendous sin."---An-Nisaa:48
Evidence 2:
"And whoever sets partners in worship with Allaah, has indeed strayed far away."---An-Nisaa:116
Evidence 3
"And whoever assigns partners to Allaah, it is as if he has had fallen from the sky and Birds had snatched him or the wind had thrown him to a far off place."---Hajj:31
Evidence 4
"Verily whoever sets up partners (in worship with Allaah,then Allaah has forbidden ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Paradise to him and the fire will be his abode."---Al-Maaidah:65
Evidence 5
"If you join others in worship with Allaah, then surely your deeds will be in vain and you certainly be amongst the losers."---Az-Zumar:65
Evidence from the Sunnah
He (saw) said, "Whoever dies without associating anything with Allaah will enter paradise and whoever dies associating anything with Allaah will enter the fire."—Muslim 1/94.
Categories of Shirk are Many
We will mention fourteen types of them:
1. Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
2. Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
3. Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes)
All the above can be called major shrik (ie. Shrik in belief)
Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
That is when a person believes that someone other than Allaah creates or sustains or gives life or gives death or other than that from the attributes or Lordship.
Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
That is when a person believes that someone other than Allaah harms or benefits or cures without permission from Allaah or other than from the attributes of Lordship.
Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes)
That is when a person attributes the creation of Allaah with some of the Attributes particular to Allaah, the most high.
Such as the knowledge of the unseen or other attributed of our Lord, which are particular to Him, the One free from all defects
4. Major Shirk:
It is the shirk of belief & it expels one from the religion.
5. Minor Shirk:
It is ar-riyaa', showing off, and it does not expel one from the religion, however it is obligatory to repent from it.
6. Hidden Shirk:
It is that a man acts due to the rank of an another man and it is al oar-riyaa', and it as we have learnt, does not expel one from the religion however it is obligatory to repent from it.
7. Shirk in Belief:
It is a major shirk and it is a cause for expulsion from the religion, from which we seek the shelter of Allaah (swt).
8. Shirk in Action:
It is every action which the legislation of Islam has decreed as shirk such as sacrificing to other than Allaah and vowing to other than Allaah, and other than that.
9. Shirk in Speech:
It is every saying which is legislated of Islaam has decreed as shirk such as swearing by other than Allaah and as some of the people say, 'I don't have anything except Allaah and you, and I rely on Allaah and you, and if it wasn't for Allaah and so', ect… and other statement of shirk.
10. Shirk of legislation:
It is that a person discards the Book and the Sunnah and taes to the opinions of men and man-made laws.
11. Shirk of Love:
It is that he loves someone other than Allaah as (or more than ) he loves Allaah.
12. Shirk of Fear and Dread:
This will be discussed in the categories of fear
13. Shirk Intent and Desire:
It is that a person desires by his action other than Allaah and he intends by it other the Face of Allaah.
14. Shirk in Obedience:
It is that the slave obeys a person in making something Halaal (lawful) that which is harram (unlawful), or in making something Haraam that which is halal
The Categories of fear (Khawf) Are four
1. Fear of Worship: It is that fear of Allaah and Alone, having no partner, and this type is worship of the heart, with which we worship Allaah.
2. Shirk of Fear: It is that the slave fears someone other than Allaah such as Jinn, a dead person or other than that, as he fears Allaah or greater.
3. Fear causing Disobedience: It is that the slave fears the people so he leaves the obligatory or commits the Haraam fearing from them without being forced by them to do act. So this fear causes disobedience to Allaah.
4. The Natural Fear: It is like the fear of the person from the enemy and the beast (wild animal) and the snake and other than that, and this is permissible provided that he does not transgress the boundaries of the natural fear.
The Categories of Love Are Four
1. Love in Worship: It is to love Allaah and to love what is loved by Allaah.
2. Shirk of Love: It is to love something or someone other than Allaah and one loves Allaah or greater.
3. Love in Disobedience: Such as loving the Haraam and the innovations (bid'ah) and such as loving the people of sinning, innovation and desire and from loving which opposes the legislation of Allaah.
4. The Natural Love: Such as loving the children, the Family,the soul, the wealth and other than that from the "Mubaahaat"(permissible matters) however it must be natural love.
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT08- The Essence of the Deen of Islaam
can be summarized into two basic important and,mighty principles and they are as follows:
Firstly: That we do not worship anything except Allaah (alone),having no partners
"And your lord has decreed that you worship none but him" ---Al-Israa:23
Secondly: That we do not worship Him except by what He legislated.
"Follow what has been sent down to unto you from your Lord and follow not any 'Awliyaa besides Him (Allaah). Little do they remember! ---Al-Araaf:3
*This is the meaning of: "I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allaah."*
The Two types of Hypocrisy (Nifaaq)
Hypocrisy is divided into two categories and they are as follows
1.) Hypocrisy of Belief (Major)-it expels one from religion
2.) Hypocrisy of Action (Minor)-Must Repent.
Explanation of Hypocrisy of Belief:
-It is outwardly demonstrate Islaam whilst inwardly there is Kufr (disbelief). It is Major (kabira), also known as Hypocrisy of Kufr, and it expel one from religion.
"Verily, the hypocrites will be in lowest depth (grade) of the fire; no helper will find them. Except those repent (from hypocrisy), do righteous deeds, holds fast to Allaah,and purify their religion for Alllaah (by worshipping none but Allaah,and do good for Allaah's sake only, not to show off) then they will be with the believers. And allaah will grant the belivers a great reward."---An-Nisaa: 145-146
Explanation of Hypocrisy of Action:
-This type of hypocrisy is the lesser (Minor ie, Saghira) and does not expel ht individual from the fold of Islaam, but it is obligatory to repent from it.
-It has categories and is what is mentioned in this hadeeth,
"From Abdullah ibn Umar(ra), who said that the Messenger (Saw) said, "There are four characteristics of Hypocrisy , whoever has all of them in him is a true hypocrite, and whoever has in him some of them, then he has some part of hypocrisy in him until he leaves it. When he Trusted he proves to be Dishonest. When he Speaks he Lies. When he makes a Promise he Breaks it. When he Disputes he uses Evil Language."---Reported by Al-Bukharee 1/14 and Muslim 1/78
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT07- The Definition of Ibaadah (Worship)
Al-Ibaadah is collective term for eveything that Allaahs loves and is pleases with,from the sayings and the actions,inwardly and outwardly.
The Types of Ibaadah are Five
1.) Ibaadah of Belief (Eemaan)
-It is that the Muslim believes that Allaah the Almigthy and Majestic is the Creator,the Sustainer,the Giver of Life and Death and Manager of the Affair of His slaves. The only worthy of worship alone,having no partners in supplication and slaugthering and vows and other than that and that He is the One described with attributes of Majesty and Perfection of Magnificence and mMight and other types of belief.
2.) Ibaadah of Speech
-Such as the pronoucement of the 'Shahaadah' that there is no one worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah and such as the recitation of the Qur'aan and dua'a and Prophetic supplications and other types of verbal worship.
3.) Ibaadah of the Body
-And that is like the standing and bowing and prostration in the prayer and fasting and the actions of Hajj and Hijrah (migration) and jihad and other types of bodily worship.
4.) Ibaadah of Wealth
-Such as Zakaat and Sadaqah and other than that.
5.) Ibaadah of Abandonment
-Muslim is rewarded for leaving the Haraam (prohibited) when he leaves it seeking the Face of Allaah.
The Two Necessary Conditions For The Acceptance of An-Action
* Know that Allaah (swt) does not accept any action from any doer,unless it satisfies two basic conditions:
1.) That is done purely for the sake of Allaah
"Verily, We have sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad) in truth: So worship Allaah (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allaah's sake only, Surely,the Religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allaah Alone."---Az-Zumar:2-3
2.) That it is in conformity with the guidance of the Messenger of Allaah(saw)
From 'Aa'ishah (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allaah(saw) said, "Whoever introduces into thsi affair of ours that which is not from it will have it rejected".---Reported by Al-Bukharee 167/3 and Muslim 1343/4
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT06- The Four Division of Sunnah
Sunnah of Qawleeyah (sayings)
So whatever the Messenger (saw) said, we say it.
Sunnah of Fi'leyah (actions)
So whatever He (saw) did, we do it.
Sunnah of Takreeriyah (approval)
So whatever He (saw) approved of, we approve of it.
Sunnah of Tarkiyah (abandoning)
So whatever He (saw) left, we leave it.
"Say (O Mohammad): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me. Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." "Say: 'Obey Allaah and the Messenger' But if they turn away,then Allaah does not like the disbelievers."---Al-'Imraan:31-32
"Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have a fine example to follow"...Al-Ahzaab:21
" And whatever the Messenger gives you,take it,and whatever he forbids you, abstain ( from it). And fear Allaah. Verily Allaah is severe in punishement."---Al-Harsh:7
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT05-T he Division of Tawheed are Four
Tawheed is split into four categories and they are:
*Tawheed Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
*Tawheed Al-Ulooheeyah (Worship)
*Tawheed Al-Asma was-Sifaat ( Names and Attributes)
*Tawheed of Ittibah ( Following the Messenger)
-All these four categories are present in Surah Al-Fatiha
Tawheed Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Oneness of Lorship)
-is the Tawheed of Allah in His Actions and its meaning is that Allaah is Alone in Creating,from non-existence to existence,without a partner and without a helper,Commanding and Originating Everythign in this Universe.
eg: Creation,Sustenance and Controlling.
"He is the Ever Living ,'Laa Illa Huwa (none has the rigth to be worshipped but He);so ivoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone,All the praises and thanks are to Allaah,the Lord of the 'Aalameen (Mankind,Jinn and all that exists)"---Ghafir:65
Tawheed Al-Ulooheeyah (Oneness of Worship)
-It is the Tawheed of Allaah in the actions to the slaves and it's meaning is to direct all types of worship from slaughtering,vowing,supplicating,trusting,fear,hope,repentance,desire,awe,and reverence and other than that from the types of worship for Allaah Alone without Associating partners with Him.
Direct Worship to Allah ,Ihlas ,Physical Worship, Love (more),Hope(Rely), fear Him Alone
1.) "And your Lord has decreed that you worship non but Him"---Al-Israa:23
eg: *Salah-(Vowing to Allaah),*Fasting (Start & Stop Eating),*Zakat (2.5 %),*Hajj
(Performing),*Reciting Qur-an,*Zabiha (Qurban) and Dua
2.) "And I (Allaah) did not create the Jinn and Mankind except to Worhsip Me (Alone)---Adh-Dhaariyaat:56
Tawheed of Asmaa Was-Sifaat (Oneness of Names and Attributes)
- It is that we do not name our Lord except by what He has named Himself with or with what the Messenger(saw) has named Him and we do not describe Him except by what He has describe Himself with or what the Messenger(saw) has describe Him with.
We affirm for Him every Name and Attribute mentioned in the Book or the authentic Sunnah regarding the Face,which befits the Majesty of our Lord We believe that He Hears,Sees,and Speaks when He wishes and with what He wishes.
1.) "There is nothing like Him and He is the All-Hearer,the All-Seer"---Ash-Shoora:11
-We believe that He has risen above His Throne in a manner befitting His Majesty.
2.) "The Most Gracious (Allaah) rose over (Istiwaa) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty)---Taa Haa:5
Tawheed of Following (Ittibah)
-It is that we single out the Messenger (saw) in a following and we do not truly follow anyone except him.
1.)"Say (O Muhammad): 'If you (really) love Allaah then follow me,Allaah will love you and forgive you of your sins,and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful" "Say: 'Obey Allaah and the Messenger' But if they turn away,then Allaah does not like the disbelievers"---Al-'Imraan:31-32
2.) "And whatsoever the Messenger gives you,take it,and whatsoever he forbids you,abstain (from it), And Fear Allaah,Verily Allaah is severe in punishment" ---Al-Hashr:7
*This is the meaning of 'Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah (I testy that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allaah)
1. Sakinah (Tranquility, calmness, peace and reassurance)
2. Eeman (Faith)
3. Fear of Allah
4. Taqwa (Piety)
5. Sincerity
6. Pleasure of Allah
7. Guidance / Blessings
8. Ease of doing good deeds
9. Repentance
10. Prophet Muhammad’s intercession
11. Good character
Allah (swt) will not permit him to be in hellfire forever --- PARADISE
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT04-The Definition of Tawheed
1. Singling out Allah Alone ofr Worhsip
"And Indeed we sent Nooh to his people (and he said): "I have come to you as a plain warner." That you worship none but Allah. Surely I fear for you the tornment of a painful day." ---Hood:25-26
"Say (O Mohammad): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me. Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."---Al-Imran:31
"And whatsoever the messenger gives you,take it, and whatsoever he forbids you,abstain (from it) And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment."---Al-Hashr:7
*The Evidences of Tawheed*
"And when Allah Alone is mentioned,the hearts of those who believes not in the heareafter are filled with disgust (from oneness of Allah) and when those (whom they obey or worship)besides Him are mentioned,they rejoiced!"---Az-Zumar:45
-From Abdullah Ibn Abbas(ra),that when the Messenger (saw)sent Mu'aadh(ra)to Yemen he said to him "Verily you are going to the people from people of the book so let the first thing that you call them to be Tawheed of Allaah,the Most High..."---Reported by Bukhari 8/164
-From Tariq bin Asheem(ra) who said, "I heard the Messenger of Allaah(saw) say,"Whoever single out Allah for worhsip and disbelieves whatever is worshipped besides Him then he has made his wealth and his blood unlawful and his reckoning in with Allaah, the Migthy and Majestic3"...Reported by Sahih Muslim 1/5
-From Abdullah ibn Umar(ra)who said the prophet (saw) said "Islaam is built upon five,upon the tawheed of Allaah and the establishment of Prayer;the giving of zakaat;fasting in ramadan and Hajj" ---Reported by Muslim 1/45
In these evidences there is reputation againts the ignorant ones who deny Tawheed.
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT03- The Definition of Eemaan
Al-Eeman is the testification of the tongue,belief in the heart,and actions of the limbs. It increases with Obedience and decreases with disobedience.
* Proofs for the Increasing Eemaan *
"The believers are only those,who when Allah is mentioned feel a fear in their hearts and when His verses are recited unto them,they (i.e.th everses) increases their faith and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone)" ---Al-Anfal:2
"It is He who sent down As-Sakeenah (calmness and tranquility) into the hearts of the believers,that they may grow more in faith along with their (present) faith..."---Al-Fath;4
*The Proof for the Decreasing Eeman*
-From Abu Hurairah (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said "Eeman consists of seventy somehting branches,the highest of them is to say "La illaha illAllaah" and the lowest of them is to remove something harmful from the path and modesty is branch of Eemaan."---Reported by Bukhari and Muslim
*Ihsaan is a Separate Pillar
-Then know that the Messenger (saw) was asked by Jibreel (as) about Ihsaan, he said "Al-Ihsaan is that you worship Allaah as if you see Him,for you do not see Him but He sees you."---Reported by Bukhari
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
FT02- The Five Pillars of Islam
* From Abdullah bin Umar (RA) who said that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,
"Islam is built upon five,1.)The testification that none has the rigth to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammad is His Messenger 2.) to establish the prayer.3) to give the Zakaat 4.)Fasting in Ramadan 5.)Hajj to the house. (Sahih Bukhari)
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro