The Essence of the Deen of Islaam.
can be summarized into two basic important and,mighty principles and they are as follows:
Firstly: That we do not worship anything except Allaah (alone),having no partners
"And your lord has decreed that you worship none but him" ---Al-Israa:23
Secondly: That we do not worship Him except by what He legislated.
"Follow what has been sent down to unto you from your Lord and follow not any 'Awliyaa besides Him (Allaah). Little do they remember! ---Al-Araaf:3
*This is the meaning of: "I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allaah."*
The Two types of Hypocrisy (Nifaaq)
Hypocrisy is divided into two categories and they are as follows
1.) Hypocrisy of Belief (Major)-it expels one from religion
2.) Hypocrisy of Action (Minor)-Must Repent.
Explanation of Hypocrisy of Belief:
-It is outwardly demonstrate Islaam whilst inwardly there is Kufr (disbelief). It is Major (kabira), also known as Hypocrisy of Kufr, and it expel one from religion.
"Verily, the hypocrites will be in lowest depth (grade) of the fire; no helper will find them. Except those repent (from hypocrisy), do righteous deeds, holds fast to Allaah,and purify their religion for Alllaah (by worshipping none but Allaah,and do good for Allaah's sake only, not to show off) then they will be with the believers. And allaah will grant the belivers a great reward."---An-Nisaa: 145-146
Explanation of Hypocrisy of Action:
-This type of hypocrisy is the lesser (Minor ie, Saghira) and does not expel ht individual from the fold of Islaam, but it is obligatory to repent from it.
-It has categories and is what is mentioned in this hadeeth,
"From Abdullah ibn Umar(ra), who said that the Messenger (Saw) said, "There are four characteristics of Hypocrisy , whoever has all of them in him is a true hypocrite, and whoever has in him some of them, then he has some part of hypocrisy in him until he leaves it. When he Trusted he proves to be Dishonest. When he Speaks he Lies. When he makes a Promise he Breaks it. When he Disputes he uses Evil Language."---Reported by Al-Bukharee 1/14 and Muslim 1/78
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
Fear ALLAH Wherever You Are!

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