Definition of Shirk
-Linguistically the word "Shirk" implies a partner or helper
-Islamically it means "Affirming partners (Sharik with Allaah) also
-Means to make a Du'a to other than Allaah in Matters which is only Allaah should be asked, also
-To believe that a certain objects has powers that only Allaah has, also
-Intending an act of worship that Allaah has commanded to other than Allaah.
Shirk is of Two Types
1.) Shirk of Belief: Akbar (the major) it expels one from the religion, also known as Shirk of Kufr (disbelief)
*This is of Three Types:
1.) Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
2.) Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
3.) Shirk on Asmaa was Sifaat ( Names and Attributes)
2.) Shirk of Action: Asghar (the minor) it does not expel one from the religion.
*This is of Three types
1.) Shirk of Showing off and publicity
2.) Hidden Shirk
3.) The Verbal Shirk
The Dangers of Shirk With Allaah (Ascribing Patners to Allaah)
Evidence 1:
"Verily, Allaah forgive snot that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives other than that to whom He wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allaah on worship, he ahs indeed a tremendous sin."---An-Nisaa:48
Evidence 2:
"And whoever sets partners in worship with Allaah, has indeed strayed far away."---An-Nisaa:116
Evidence 3
"And whoever assigns partners to Allaah, it is as if he has had fallen from the sky and Birds had snatched him or the wind had thrown him to a far off place."---Hajj:31
Evidence 4
"Verily whoever sets up partners (in worship with Allaah,then Allaah has forbidden ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Paradise to him and the fire will be his abode."---Al-Maaidah:65
Evidence 5
"If you join others in worship with Allaah, then surely your deeds will be in vain and you certainly be amongst the losers."---Az-Zumar:65
Evidence from the Sunnah
He (saw) said, "Whoever dies without associating anything with Allaah will enter paradise and whoever dies associating anything with Allaah will enter the fire."—Muslim 1/94.
Categories of Shirk are Many
We will mention fourteen types of them:
1. Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
2. Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
3. Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes)
All the above can be called major shrik (ie. Shrik in belief)
Shirk in Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
That is when a person believes that someone other than Allaah creates or sustains or gives life or gives death or other than that from the attributes or Lordship.
Shirk in Ulooheeyah (Worship)
That is when a person believes that someone other than Allaah harms or benefits or cures without permission from Allaah or other than from the attributes of Lordship.
Shirk in Asmaa was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes)
That is when a person attributes the creation of Allaah with some of the Attributes particular to Allaah, the most high.
Such as the knowledge of the unseen or other attributed of our Lord, which are particular to Him, the One free from all defects
4. Major Shirk:
It is the shirk of belief & it expels one from the religion.
5. Minor Shirk:
It is ar-riyaa', showing off, and it does not expel one from the religion, however it is obligatory to repent from it.
6. Hidden Shirk:
It is that a man acts due to the rank of an another man and it is al oar-riyaa', and it as we have learnt, does not expel one from the religion however it is obligatory to repent from it.
7. Shirk in Belief:
It is a major shirk and it is a cause for expulsion from the religion, from which we seek the shelter of Allaah (swt).
8. Shirk in Action:
It is every action which the legislation of Islam has decreed as shirk such as sacrificing to other than Allaah and vowing to other than Allaah, and other than that.
9. Shirk in Speech:
It is every saying which is legislated of Islaam has decreed as shirk such as swearing by other than Allaah and as some of the people say, 'I don't have anything except Allaah and you, and I rely on Allaah and you, and if it wasn't for Allaah and so', ect… and other statement of shirk.
10. Shirk of legislation:
It is that a person discards the Book and the Sunnah and taes to the opinions of men and man-made laws.
11. Shirk of Love:
It is that he loves someone other than Allaah as (or more than ) he loves Allaah.
12. Shirk of Fear and Dread:
This will be discussed in the categories of fear
13. Shirk Intent and Desire:
It is that a person desires by his action other than Allaah and he intends by it other the Face of Allaah.
14. Shirk in Obedience:
It is that the slave obeys a person in making something Halaal (lawful) that which is harram (unlawful), or in making something Haraam that which is halal
The Categories of fear (Khawf) Are four
1. Fear of Worship: It is that fear of Allaah and Alone, having no partner, and this type is worship of the heart, with which we worship Allaah.
2. Shirk of Fear: It is that the slave fears someone other than Allaah such as Jinn, a dead person or other than that, as he fears Allaah or greater.
3. Fear causing Disobedience: It is that the slave fears the people so he leaves the obligatory or commits the Haraam fearing from them without being forced by them to do act. So this fear causes disobedience to Allaah.
4. The Natural Fear: It is like the fear of the person from the enemy and the beast (wild animal) and the snake and other than that, and this is permissible provided that he does not transgress the boundaries of the natural fear.
The Categories of Love Are Four
1. Love in Worship: It is to love Allaah and to love what is loved by Allaah.
2. Shirk of Love: It is to love something or someone other than Allaah and one loves Allaah or greater.
3. Love in Disobedience: Such as loving the Haraam and the innovations (bid'ah) and such as loving the people of sinning, innovation and desire and from loving which opposes the legislation of Allaah.
4. The Natural Love: Such as loving the children, the Family,the soul, the wealth and other than that from the "Mubaahaat"(permissible matters) however it must be natural love.
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
Fear ALLAH Wherever You Are!

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