The Prohibition of Supplication to Other than Allaah
Evidence 1:
"Verily, those whom you call upon besides Allaah are slave like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful."(Al-Araaf:194)
Evidence 2:
"And those whom you call upon besides Him (Allaah) cannot help you not can they help themselves" (Al-Araaf:197)
Evidence 1:
"Those whom they (the Polytheist) invoke besides Allaah have not created anything, but are themselves created. They are dead, not alive, and they know not when they will be raised up." (An-Nahl:20-21)
Evidence 2:
"O Mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it; Verily, those whom you call besides Allaah, cannot create (even) a fly, even if they combine together for a purpose. And if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly, so waek are (both) the seeker and the sought."(Al-Hajj:73)
Evidence 3:
"…Such is Allaah, your Lord; His is the Kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmir (the thin membrane over the date-stone). If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not you call: and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grand it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad) like Him who the All-Knower (of everything) (Faatir: 13-14)
From Abdullah Ibn Abbas (ra) who said that he was ridding behind the Messenger of Allaah (saw) who said to him,
"Oh young boy, I will teach you some words. Remember Allaah and He will remember you. Remember Allaah and you find Him supporting you when you ask. Then ask from Allaah and when you seek help then seek help from Allaah. And know if the nations were to unite upon something by which they would benefit you, they would not be able to benefit you except by something which Allaah has already prescribed for you. And if the nations were to unite upon something by which they would harm you they would not be able to harm you except by something which Allaah has already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry." (Aboo Daawood 2/67-77)
The Vows is Worship and Worship is not be Established Except for Allaah
"And wheatever you spend from your wealth (e.g.Sadaqa-Charity for Allah's cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allahs knows it all. And for the Dhaalimoon (Wrongdoers) there are no helpers."…Al-Baqarah:270
"(Remember) when the wife of 'Imraan said:"O my Lord! I have vowed to You (the child that is in my womb to be dedicated to your services) (free from all worldly work;to serve Your place of worship), so accept this from me. Verily, you are the Hearer, the All-Knowing."---Aal-'Imraan:35
From 'Aishah (ra) who said that the Prophet (saw) said "Whoever vows that he will be obedient to Allaah, should remain obedient to Him, and whoever made a vow that he will disobey Allah, should not disobey Him."…Al-Bukharee 7/233,243.
The Prohibition of Sacrificing for Other than Allaah
From ' Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) said, "Allaah has cursed whoever sacrifices to other than Allaah."---Muslim 3/1567
"Say (O Muhammad): 'Verily, my Salaat (prayer),my sacrifice,my living and my dying are for Allaah, the Lord of the Aalimeen (Mankind,Jinn and all that exists). He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of Muslims."---Al-An'aam:162-163
Evidence 2:
"Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)."---Al-Kauthar:2
Except if he repents to Allaah (swt), so whoever repents then Allaah will forgive Him. "Allaah has cursed whoever sacrifices to other than Allaah."---Muslim 3/1567.
The Prohibition of Swearing By Other Than Allaah
From Abdullah bin Umar (ra) that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) met Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) while the latter was going with a group of camel-riders, and he was swearing by his father. The prophet (saw) said, "Behold! Allaah forbids you to swear by your fathers, so whoever has take an oath, he should swear by Allaah or keep quiet."---Al-Bukharee 8/641
From Buraidah (ra) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (saw) said, "Whoever takes an oath by the trust he is not from us."---Aboo Dawoo 3/223
From these authentic Prophetic evidences is a clarification of the prohibition of taking oath by other than Alaah.
Such as by the 'trust' and by the 'life' of by the 'salt' or by the honor or by the father, grandfather, the 'ka'bah', the prophet (saw) or by brothers or friendship or by colleague-ship or by military rank, to swear by divorce, and other that instead of Allaah.
And taking an oath is not permissible to be established for anyone except Allaah alone, having no partner.
All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro
Fear ALLAH Wherever You Are!

The Obedient
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