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Friday, 9 February 2007

FT05-T he Division of Tawheed are Four

The Division of Tawheed are Four:

Tawheed is split into four categories and they are:

*Tawheed Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Lordship)
*Tawheed Al-Ulooheeyah (Worship)
*Tawheed Al-Asma was-Sifaat ( Names and Attributes)
*Tawheed of Ittibah ( Following the Messenger)
-All these four categories are present in Surah Al-Fatiha

Tawheed Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Oneness of Lorship)

-is the Tawheed of Allah in His Actions and its meaning is that Allaah is Alone in Creating,from non-existence to existence,without a partner and without a helper,Commanding and Originating Everythign in this Universe.
eg: Creation,Sustenance and Controlling.


"He is the Ever Living ,'Laa Illa Huwa (none has the rigth to be worshipped but He);so ivoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone,All the praises and thanks are to Allaah,the Lord of the 'Aalameen (Mankind,Jinn and all that exists)"---Ghafir:65

Tawheed Al-Ulooheeyah (Oneness of Worship)

-It is the Tawheed of Allaah in the actions to the slaves and it's meaning is to direct all types of worship from slaughtering,vowing,supplicating,trusting,fear,hope,repentance,desire,awe,and reverence and other than that from the types of worship for Allaah Alone without Associating partners with Him.

Direct Worship to Allah ,Ihlas ,Physical Worship, Love (more),Hope(Rely), fear Him Alone


1.) "And your Lord has decreed that you worship non but Him"---Al-Israa:23
eg: *Salah-(Vowing to Allaah),*Fasting (Start & Stop Eating),*Zakat (2.5 %),*Hajj
(Performing),*Reciting Qur-an,*Zabiha (Qurban) and Dua

2.) "And I (Allaah) did not create the Jinn and Mankind except to Worhsip Me (Alone)---Adh-Dhaariyaat:56

Tawheed of Asmaa Was-Sifaat (Oneness of Names and Attributes)

- It is that we do not name our Lord except by what He has named Himself with or with what the Messenger(saw) has named Him and we do not describe Him except by what He has describe Himself with or what the Messenger(saw) has describe Him with.

We affirm for Him every Name and Attribute mentioned in the Book or the authentic Sunnah regarding the Face,which befits the Majesty of our Lord We believe that He Hears,Sees,and Speaks when He wishes and with what He wishes.


1.) "There is nothing like Him and He is the All-Hearer,the All-Seer"---Ash-Shoora:11
-We believe that He has risen above His Throne in a manner befitting His Majesty.

2.) "The Most Gracious (Allaah) rose over (Istiwaa) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty)---Taa Haa:5

Tawheed of Following (Ittibah)

-It is that we single out the Messenger (saw) in a following and we do not truly follow anyone except him.


1.)"Say (O Muhammad): 'If you (really) love Allaah then follow me,Allaah will love you and forgive you of your sins,and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful" "Say: 'Obey Allaah and the Messenger' But if they turn away,then Allaah does not like the disbelievers"---Al-'Imraan:31-32

2.) "And whatsoever the Messenger gives you,take it,and whatsoever he forbids you,abstain (from it), And Fear Allaah,Verily Allaah is severe in punishment" ---Al-Hashr:7

*This is the meaning of 'Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah (I testy that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allaah)


1. Sakinah (Tranquility, calmness, peace and reassurance)
2. Eeman (Faith)
3. Fear of Allah
4. Taqwa (Piety)
5. Sincerity
6. Pleasure of Allah
7. Guidance / Blessings
8. Ease of doing good deeds
9. Repentance

10. Prophet Muhammad’s intercession
11. Good character
Allah (swt) will not permit him to be in hellfire forever --- PARADISE


All of the right things that I have said are from Allah (swt) and all of the wrong things I have said are from myself and whispering of shaytaan.-sumpingmoro

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