The Prophet’s (saw) plural marriages are an example for us to follow
Each marriage set the path to all possible types of marriages in Islam.
Each marriage set the path to all possible types of marriages in Islam.
The Prophet’s (saw), marriage to Khadijah (ra)
The Prophet’s (saw), marriage to Khadijah (RA) showed that it is permissible for a man to marry a woman who is older than him, for a poor and orphan man to marry a wealthy woman, for an employee to marry his employer, and for bachelor to marry a widow.
As in the case of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (ra). A man can choose to marry a young and intelligent woman like Aisha (ra).
He can marry his friends daughter in the same way as the Prophet (saw) married Aisha and Hafsah (ra), the daughters of his closest friends: Abu Bakr and Umar (ra) in order to foster ties of relationships.
In addition, Islam allows the practice of bethrothal before entering into the marriage to Aisha (ra).
The Prophet’s Marriage to
Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith (ra)
Umm Habiba o Ramlah (ra)
A man can marry his enemy’s daughters as the Prophet (saw) married:
Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith, the head of Bani Al-Mustaliq of Khuza’ah and
Umm Habiba or Ramlah (ra), the daughter of Abu Sufyan (ra). Note that both Harith and Abu Sufyan (ra) were bitter enemies of Islam.
The Prophet’s (saw) marriages to their daughters show how Islam goes for peace and reconciliation.
Islam also permits marriage in absentia eg. Umm Habibah’s (ra)
As in the case of his marriage to Umm Habiba or Ramlah (ra), the daughter of Abu Sufyan (ra), who was in Abyssinia.
The Prophets ‘saw’ marriage to Maria (ra)
Likewise, it is allowed for a man to marry woman of low social class as in the case of Maria (ra), who was given to the Prophet (saw) as a present by the ruler of Egypt.
The Prophet (saw) elevated her status by marrying her, instead of making her his slave.