Narrated by Abu Hurairah (ra)
· Jibril came to Prophet saws and said , “O Allah’s Messenger! This is Khadijah, coming to you with a dish having meat soup (or some food or drink). When she reaches you, greet her on behalf of her Lord (Allah swt) and on my behalf, and give her the glad tidings of having a palace made of Qasab in Paradise, wherein there will be neither any noise nor any toil (fatigue, trouble,etc.).” Al Bukhari
Khadijah (ra) Honored by Allah (swt)
· She (ra) was the first lady ever to be blessed with the honor and distinction of having been greeted Salam by ALLah swt and the angel jibril khadija ra, was a perfect image of faithfulness,
A model of Integrity
Khadija ra, A model of Modesty
Khadija ra, A model of Good manners
Khadija ra, A model of Nobility
Khadija ra, A model of Generosity
Khadija ra, A model of Wisdom
Khadija ra, A model of Understanding
The first and only wife of Prophet saws for more than 24 yrs
Khadija ra, and Prophet saws, spent those years living together in peace and harmony
Abdulla bin Abbas ra, narrated
One day the Prophet (saw) drew four lines on the earth and asked his Companions if they understood better. He saws, then told them that these lines stood for the four foremost ladies of the universe. They were Khadijah bint Khawaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran, the mother of prophet Isa and Asiah bint Mazahim (the wife of Pharaoh)
Khadija (ra) has the distinction of the first Mother of believers
· The first named ie, Khadija ra, has the distinction of being the mother of all the believers. the mother of Fatimah ra, Fatimah will be the first lady of paradise Khadija the grandmother of the beloved grandchildren of the Prophet saws, ie, Hassan and Hussain ra, who are to be the foremost of the youths in paradise.
Khadija’s ( ra), birth and lineage
Khadija ra, was born in Makkah in the year, 556ce.
her mother’s name was Fatimah bint Za’ed
her fathers’ name was Khawaylid bin Asad. He was a very popular leader among the tribe of Quraish, and a very prosperous businessman who died while fighting in the famous battle of Fujjar.
Khadija’s (ra) marriages
Khadija ra, married Abu Halah Malak bin Nabash bin Zarrarah bin At-Tamimi. She bore him two children, Halah and Hind. He passed away.
Khadija ra, later as a young widow married Atique bin Abdullah Al-Makhzoumi, and she had a daughter by him Hindah. This marriage soon broke up on the grounds of incompatibility.
The Prophet Muhammad saws, was Khadija’s ra last marriage which lasted for more than 24 years until she passed away and left our beloved Prophet saws heartbroken and in sorrow.
Khadija’s Introduction to the Prophet (saw).
Khadija (ra), had heard of the integrity, honesty and principled behaviour of the Prophet saws and sent a job offer to him to head her trading caravans. He gladly accepted the offer and started working for her (ra.)
Nestora’s prediction of the Prophet (saw)
Nestora a jewish monk, noted for his knowledge of religion and for his insight saw Prophet saws resting under a tree on the way back from his business trip.
He told Khadija’s (ra), servant Maisarah, “This man would be elevated to Prophethood in the future, as no man had ever rested under that particular tree but prophets.
Maisarah witnessing a cloud
Tradition has it that Maisarah saw two angels bearing cloud over Prophet’s saws, head to protect him from the glare and heat of the sun. He was stunned and overcome at being blessed in the companionship of one chosen by Allah swt as his Messenger.
Khadija’s (ra), desire to propose marriage to Prophet (saw)
Maisarah returns home and informs Khadija ra, of all that had taken place on the trip to Syria.
she was deeply moved and impressed and started thinking of proposing marriage to Muhammad (saw)
· Jibril came to Prophet saws and said , “O Allah’s Messenger! This is Khadijah, coming to you with a dish having meat soup (or some food or drink). When she reaches you, greet her on behalf of her Lord (Allah swt) and on my behalf, and give her the glad tidings of having a palace made of Qasab in Paradise, wherein there will be neither any noise nor any toil (fatigue, trouble,etc.).” Al Bukhari
Khadijah (ra) Honored by Allah (swt)
· She (ra) was the first lady ever to be blessed with the honor and distinction of having been greeted Salam by ALLah swt and the angel jibril khadija ra, was a perfect image of faithfulness,
A model of Integrity
Khadija ra, A model of Modesty
Khadija ra, A model of Good manners
Khadija ra, A model of Nobility
Khadija ra, A model of Generosity
Khadija ra, A model of Wisdom
Khadija ra, A model of Understanding
The first and only wife of Prophet saws for more than 24 yrs
Khadija ra, and Prophet saws, spent those years living together in peace and harmony
Abdulla bin Abbas ra, narrated
One day the Prophet (saw) drew four lines on the earth and asked his Companions if they understood better. He saws, then told them that these lines stood for the four foremost ladies of the universe. They were Khadijah bint Khawaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran, the mother of prophet Isa and Asiah bint Mazahim (the wife of Pharaoh)
Khadija (ra) has the distinction of the first Mother of believers
· The first named ie, Khadija ra, has the distinction of being the mother of all the believers. the mother of Fatimah ra, Fatimah will be the first lady of paradise Khadija the grandmother of the beloved grandchildren of the Prophet saws, ie, Hassan and Hussain ra, who are to be the foremost of the youths in paradise.
Khadija’s ( ra), birth and lineage
Khadija ra, was born in Makkah in the year, 556ce.
her mother’s name was Fatimah bint Za’ed
her fathers’ name was Khawaylid bin Asad. He was a very popular leader among the tribe of Quraish, and a very prosperous businessman who died while fighting in the famous battle of Fujjar.
Khadija’s (ra) marriages
Khadija ra, married Abu Halah Malak bin Nabash bin Zarrarah bin At-Tamimi. She bore him two children, Halah and Hind. He passed away.
Khadija ra, later as a young widow married Atique bin Abdullah Al-Makhzoumi, and she had a daughter by him Hindah. This marriage soon broke up on the grounds of incompatibility.
The Prophet Muhammad saws, was Khadija’s ra last marriage which lasted for more than 24 years until she passed away and left our beloved Prophet saws heartbroken and in sorrow.
Khadija’s Introduction to the Prophet (saw).
Khadija (ra), had heard of the integrity, honesty and principled behaviour of the Prophet saws and sent a job offer to him to head her trading caravans. He gladly accepted the offer and started working for her (ra.)
Nestora’s prediction of the Prophet (saw)
Nestora a jewish monk, noted for his knowledge of religion and for his insight saw Prophet saws resting under a tree on the way back from his business trip.
He told Khadija’s (ra), servant Maisarah, “This man would be elevated to Prophethood in the future, as no man had ever rested under that particular tree but prophets.
Maisarah witnessing a cloud
Tradition has it that Maisarah saw two angels bearing cloud over Prophet’s saws, head to protect him from the glare and heat of the sun. He was stunned and overcome at being blessed in the companionship of one chosen by Allah swt as his Messenger.
Khadija’s (ra), desire to propose marriage to Prophet (saw)
Maisarah returns home and informs Khadija ra, of all that had taken place on the trip to Syria.
she was deeply moved and impressed and started thinking of proposing marriage to Muhammad (saw)
She (ra) had already rejected several proposals of marriage from men belonging to some of the noblest families of the Quraish, and wondered how her tribe would react to this proposal
She (ra) was also concerned if an unmarried younger man would accept her proposal.