Nafeesah bint Manbah helps Khadijah (ra).
One of Khadija’s ra, very close friends, Nafeesah bint Manbah offered to go herself and take Khadija’s ra, proposal to Muhammad saws. She went immediately to Muhammad saws, and asked him if he would be willing to marry a beautiful lady from a noble and wealthy family, who was inclined towards marriage with him.
Prophet Muhammad’s saws acceptance of the proposal
The Prophet (saw) accepted Khadija (ra), proposal
He saws was then twenty-five years of age and Khadija ra, was forty years old.(some says 28 years old)
The two uncles of the prophet saws, Hamza ra, and Abu Talib approached her uncle Umar bin Asad, with the formal proposal. It was accepted and the date was fixed.
Halimah Sa’adiah the Prophet’s saw wet-nurse
Halimah Sa’adiah who nursed the Prophet saws in his infancy was specially invited for the wedding and traveled to Makkah from her village. When she left after festivities, Khadija ra, presented her with many household goods of utility, a camel and forty goats as an expression of gratitude, to the lady who had taken such good care of Muhammad saws, in his infancy.
Khadija’s ra, children from Prophet (saw).
Khadija ra, was very blessed in the marriage with the prophet saws, and had six children.
First two sons, Qasim and Abdullah
Then followed the daughters, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum and Fatimah r anhum. They were wonderful intelligent children and it was very happy, peaceful and content household.
The Prophet’s saws, first revelation began during his marriage with Khadija (ra).
He (saw) would retire for a month once a year to the cave of Hira to dedicate himself entirely to prayer and meditation. One day he felt the presence of another being who held him tight embrace and asked him to “Read in the name of Allah who created” and after several times of asking he saws, read these Ayat, which were the first revelation of the Qur’an.
Surah Iqra or Alaq
Translation Iqra/Alaq 1-5
"Read in the name of your Lord who created man out of a clot of blood
Read –for your Lord is the most bountiful one
Who has taught [man] the use of pen
Taught man what he did not know! "
Khadija (ra), a picture of loyalty and serenity
The Prophet (saw), had an awesome experience and returned home sweating and shaking. He called out to Khadija (ra), asking her to cover him with a sheet.
When he had calmed down to some extent, he told his wife that he feared for his life, and narrated the whole incident to her.
Khadija (ra), consoled him saying that Allah swt would surely protect him from any danger,and would never allow anyone to revile him as he was a man of peace and reconciliation and always extended the hand of friendship to all. he never lied,always hospitable, carried the burdens of others and helped those who were in trouble.
The Effect of Khadija,s (ra) words.
These soothing and encouraging words of sympathy and understanding from Khadija (ra), gave him immeasurable strenght and confidence. His saws, onward experiences of revelation became easy for him due to the support and comfort of his beloved wife
One of Khadija’s ra, very close friends, Nafeesah bint Manbah offered to go herself and take Khadija’s ra, proposal to Muhammad saws. She went immediately to Muhammad saws, and asked him if he would be willing to marry a beautiful lady from a noble and wealthy family, who was inclined towards marriage with him.
Prophet Muhammad’s saws acceptance of the proposal
The Prophet (saw) accepted Khadija (ra), proposal
He saws was then twenty-five years of age and Khadija ra, was forty years old.(some says 28 years old)
The two uncles of the prophet saws, Hamza ra, and Abu Talib approached her uncle Umar bin Asad, with the formal proposal. It was accepted and the date was fixed.
Halimah Sa’adiah the Prophet’s saw wet-nurse
Halimah Sa’adiah who nursed the Prophet saws in his infancy was specially invited for the wedding and traveled to Makkah from her village. When she left after festivities, Khadija ra, presented her with many household goods of utility, a camel and forty goats as an expression of gratitude, to the lady who had taken such good care of Muhammad saws, in his infancy.
Khadija’s ra, children from Prophet (saw).
Khadija ra, was very blessed in the marriage with the prophet saws, and had six children.
First two sons, Qasim and Abdullah
Then followed the daughters, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum and Fatimah r anhum. They were wonderful intelligent children and it was very happy, peaceful and content household.
The Prophet’s saws, first revelation began during his marriage with Khadija (ra).
He (saw) would retire for a month once a year to the cave of Hira to dedicate himself entirely to prayer and meditation. One day he felt the presence of another being who held him tight embrace and asked him to “Read in the name of Allah who created” and after several times of asking he saws, read these Ayat, which were the first revelation of the Qur’an.
Surah Iqra or Alaq
Translation Iqra/Alaq 1-5
"Read in the name of your Lord who created man out of a clot of blood
Read –for your Lord is the most bountiful one
Who has taught [man] the use of pen
Taught man what he did not know! "
Khadija (ra), a picture of loyalty and serenity
The Prophet (saw), had an awesome experience and returned home sweating and shaking. He called out to Khadija (ra), asking her to cover him with a sheet.
When he had calmed down to some extent, he told his wife that he feared for his life, and narrated the whole incident to her.
Khadija (ra), consoled him saying that Allah swt would surely protect him from any danger,and would never allow anyone to revile him as he was a man of peace and reconciliation and always extended the hand of friendship to all. he never lied,always hospitable, carried the burdens of others and helped those who were in trouble.
The Effect of Khadija,s (ra) words.
These soothing and encouraging words of sympathy and understanding from Khadija (ra), gave him immeasurable strenght and confidence. His saws, onward experiences of revelation became easy for him due to the support and comfort of his beloved wife