Aishah ra, marries Prophet (saw) and enters his home.
Aishah (ra), was barely 9 yrs of age when she joined the household of the Prophet (saw), but was married before Saudah bint Zam’ah (ra), however she was too young then to join his household, or take care of Khadija’s (ra), children.
This was the time when both Khadija (ra), and his uncle Abu Talib had passed away leaving him lonely and isolated.
Aishah (ra), was barely 9 yrs of age when she joined the household of the Prophet (saw), but was married before Saudah bint Zam’ah (ra), however she was too young then to join his household, or take care of Khadija’s (ra), children.
This was the time when both Khadija (ra), and his uncle Abu Talib had passed away leaving him lonely and isolated.
When Aishah (ra), joined his household in Al-Madinah she was welcomed in a small room around the Prophet’s (saw) Masjid.
Aishah’s (ra), little room was filled with treasures.
Her (ra), little room was about six feet wide
Had earthen walls and the roof was of leaves and twigs, to prevent the rain water from seeping in the roof was covered with a blanket .
The roof was so low that a person standing upright could touch the roof
There was a single shuttered door, which was never closed: a blanket served as a curtain
Close to the room, on a slightly higher level was a another small room, which Muhammad (saw) stayed in when he had boycotted the Mothers of believers.
A mat, a thin mattress, a pillow filled with the bark of trees, a leather water bag, a small plate for dates and a glass for drinking water were all the things in the room.
There were none of the signs of worldly wealth and pomp, but his little room was filled with spiritual treasures.
Aishah (ra), maintained her generosity even up till her last days.
Aishah ra, maintained the Prophet’s (saw) generosity even till her last days
No beggar left her door empty-handed .
Abdulla bin Zubair ra, mentioned that Aishah (ra), would collect a sizeable amount gradually and then give it away in charity.
On one occasion, at one sitting Aishah (ra), gave away 70,000 Dirhams in charity
One evening she received 1,000,000 from Amir Mu’awiyah ra, from Syria and by nightfall the entire sum had gone to charity
What does Allah swt promise the charitable?
And keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and whatever good you send before for yourselves, you shall find it with Allah; surely Allah sees what you do.
By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allah’s Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allah’s Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allah knows it well. (Ali-Imran 3:92)
Aisha’s (ra), generosity
One day she was fasting and gave a beggar her iftar/future, telling her maid Allah swt will take care of the evening. By evening someone sent her cooked meat, she said to the maid, “Allah swt had provided her with something even better.
She owned a house which she sold to Mu’awiyah (ra,) and gave away all the money in charity.
When her beloved nephew Abdullah bin Zubair (ra), asked her to restrain her generosity, she swore not to talk to him, and then after calming down she spoke to him and freed slaves as kaffarah for breaking her oath.
Aishah (ra), was tender hearted and wept easily. Eg: beggar woman