Aishah bint Abu Bakr ra, said….
Angel Jibril (ra), brought my picture wrapped in the cover of green silk in his (saw), dream and said: “She is your wife in this world and the hereafter.”
Aishah (ra), daughter of Muhammad’s (saw), closest friend, companion, associate
Abu Bakr As-Siddique, who was the closest friend and confidant of Prophet (saw) even before he received revelation. He (ra), is mentioned in the noble Qur’an in glowing terms.
He was a pure God fearing man, the foremost and staunchest supporter of the Prophet (saw), whom he loved dearly, even more than his life
He Abu Bakr (ra) had the honor of being buried next to his beloved leader, Prophet (saw)
He (ra), will enter Paradise in the company of the Prophet (saw).
Aishah’s (ra), favorite pastimes as a girl .
As a girl she (ra), enjoyed swinging and playing with dolls. (then dolls were made of straw and had no facial features)
The story of her winged horse, and memory of the historic moments during her Hijrah goes on to show her intelligence, wit, and memory.
Aishah’s (ra), noble birth.
Aishah (ra), had claims to noble birth from sides of the family.
Her mother (ra), was Umm Roman (ra), and her father was Abu Bakr Siddique (ra),
Umm Roman earlier married Abdullah Azdi and had a son by him, Abdur-Rahman
Aishah (ra was born in 614 CE
Her (ra )radle was the cradle of Islam
Nine blessings of Aisha (ra)
Aishah ra, said, there were nine blessings of Allah swt, which distinguished her from all other women in the world except Maryam bint Imran, the mother of Isa.
Nine Blessings of Aishah (ra)
Angel Jibril (ra),had presented her portrait wrapped in green silk to Muhammad (saw) told him that this was the picture of the lady chosen by Allah (swt),to be his bride in this world and the next.
She was the only virgin to have become the wife of the Prophet(saw )
When the Prophet saws, passed away, he was resting in her lap and was buried in her apartment.
Many times angels encircled her apartment with love and respect .
Very often divine revelation would come to Muhammad saws when they were lying together resting in peace and tranquility.
She was the daughter of the loyal and true friend of the Prophet (saw) Abu Bakr Siddique ra
Ayat acquitting her of any wrongdoing had descended from the heavens from Allah swt, proving her innocence
She was born a Muslim and had been brought up in a pure environment and spent her former years with the purest and best of creatures, the Prophet (saw)
Allah swt, the Lord, the Sustainer of the Universe promised her divine Forgiveness and abundant bounties.