Umm Habibah-02/03
The Prophet (saw ), proposes marriage to Umm Habibah (ra),
One night Umm Habibah dreamt someone called out to her, “Mother of the Believers”
When she woke up she felt a great sense of well-being and not just happiness but ecstasy
During the time , the Prophet (saw), had migrated to Al-Madinah and the first Islamic State had been established .
One night Umm Habibah dreamt someone called out to her, “Mother of the Believers”
When she woke up she felt a great sense of well-being and not just happiness but ecstasy
During the time , the Prophet (saw), had migrated to Al-Madinah and the first Islamic State had been established .
Someone while talking to him about Abyssinia mentioned that Umm Habibah the daughter of the Chief of Quraish from wealthy and noble family was living from hand to mouth, after her husband Obaidullah apostated and died.On hearing this the Prophet (saw) sent word to Najashi with the message that if Umm Habibah (ra), liked he would marry him.
Umm Habibah (ra), accepts the Prophet’s Proposal
Najashi received the Prophet’s (saw), proposal and sent his slave girl Abraha to Umm Habibah (ra), Umm Habibah (ra), was overjoyed when she heard of the proposal
She was so happy that she removed what ever silver jewelry she was wearing and gave it to Abraha as a gift ,Umm Habibah (ra), nominated her relative Khalid bin Sa’eed bin Aas for performing the ceremony .That very evening Najashi sent a message to Jafar bin Abi Talib asking him to bring all his Muslim friends to his palace
And he asked her relative Khalid bin Sa’eed bin Aas to perform the ceremony and gave four hundred dinars as Mahr to Umm Habibah on behalf of the Prophet (saw) .
Abraha the slave girl of Najashi accepts Islam
Umm Habibah (ra), was so grateful to Allah (swt), for the honor bestowed on her by making her one of the Mothers of the Believers that she sent for Abraha and once again gave her fifty Dinars and apologized for not having rewarded her earlier in a suitable manner.Abraha respectfully presented Umm Habibah (ra), with a little bag, which contained some very expensive perfume as gift from Najashi’s wives, and then Abraha herself gifted to Umm Habibah (ra), the same jewelry she had received earlier from her, apologizing for her lack of resources.
Abraha also sent a message to the Prophet (saw) informing him that she had accepted Islam in secret .And requested Umm Habibah (ra), to convey her greetings to the Prophet (saw), when she met with him saying, that this would be the greatest favor she could do for a poor woman.
Umm Habibah (ra), joins the Prophet ( saw), in Al-Madinah
When Umm Habibah (ra) reached Al-Madinah she told the Prophet (saw) , about the happenings in Abyssinia and about the goodness of Najashi and how generously the wedding had been organized .She gave him Abraha’s good news of her becoming Muslim and her ardent greetings. The Prophet (saw), was very pleased with her message and returning her greetings, he prayed that Allah (swt), should bless her with plenitude.
Abu Sufyan’s reaction to his daughters wedding
Abu Sufyan heard about his daughter’s marriage and he expressed happiness in spite of the fact that he had not yet accepted Islam .He said the Prophet (saw), was the youth who would never lose face, and always be honored.
Abu Sufyan visits his daughter Umm Habibah (ra), in Al-Madinah
When the Quraish broke the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, he Abu Sufyan came to Al-Madinah to renew the treaty. He visited his daughter; just as he was about to sit down Umm Habibah rolled up the light mattress which was spread out .He was surprised and asked her if he was worthy of the mattress, or the mattress was not worthy of him .She replied, ‘that actually it was a mattress used by a very pure and clean Prophet (saw), and no idol worshipper could sit on it, as he was unclean, hence she rolled up the mattress.’
Abu Sufyan was very embarrassed and said ‘she had forgotten the manners since moving away from him. She answered;
‘that the manners of Islam had taught her different values and cleanliness had a different meaning for her now’, of coarse Abu Sufyan was not happy with what his daughter had told him and left his daughter’s house .
She narrates;
I was thankful that Allah (swt), guided me to the path of Islam and wondered how come my father as chieftain of Quraish, and of such high standards had not yet seen the truth and accepted Islam