Umm Habibah-03/03
Abu Sufyan (ra), and his son Mu’awiyah (ra), accepts Islam.
It was the earnest desire of Umm Habibah (ra), that her father and brother should come into fold of Islam and earn the reward of a blessed Paradise.She did not want them to pass away from this world in a state of disbelief like Abu Jahl, Waleed bin Mughairah and others.
It was the earnest desire of Umm Habibah (ra), that her father and brother should come into fold of Islam and earn the reward of a blessed Paradise.She did not want them to pass away from this world in a state of disbelief like Abu Jahl, Waleed bin Mughairah and others.
It was on the day of the conquest of Makkah, that Abu Sufyan (ra), and Mu’awiyah (ra), accepted Islam, her (ra), joy knew no bounds
The following Ayah was revealed. Mumtahinah 60:7
Al-Mumtahinah 60:7
“Perhaps Allah will make friendship between you and those whom you hold as enemies. And Allah has power (over all things), and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Abdulla bin Abbas (ra), says that this particular verse revealed on the occasion of Umm Habibah’s marriage to the Prophet (saw)
This marriage influenced important chieftains and prominent leaders like Abu Sufyan to understand Islam and join the ranks of the Prophet (saw) and become remarkable Muslims.
The Prophet (saw), gives good news of paradise to both sister and brother (ra),
Once Mu’awiyah was visiting the Prophet (saw), while the Prophet (saw) and Umm Habibah (ra), were both sitting together.On seeing them together, Mu’awiyah turned around to leave them both in their privacy .When he turned to leave, the Prophet (saw), called out to him and invited him to sit with him .He (ra), then told him that he sincerely wished that they three should sit together and have the pure drink of Paradise ,These words imply that they will all three, Allah willing, be in Paradise
Najashi passes away as believing Muslim
Najashi (ra), the ruler of Abyssinia was a very generous man who was always giving gifts to the distressed and needy. He was a kind and sympathetic ruler. He became a Muslim after he saw the Islamic way of life of the refugees from Makkah.He not only promptly solemnized the marriage of Umm Habibah (ra), to the Prophet (saw), but he also hosted a wedding banquet and provided boats for their journey back .It was the angel Jibril as, who informed the Prophet (saw), when he passed away due to natural causes
The Prophet (saw), prayed to Allah (swt) for the forgiveness of his sins
All the refugees including the male and the female companions prayed for his forgiveness and remembered his sympathy, his kindness, his cooperation and the protection he provided them in difficult times
Umm Habibah (ra), a scholar of Ahadith
Umm Habibah (ra), due to her knowledge, mastery over Hadith and eloquence was ranked third among the Mothers of the Believers, first being Aishah (ra) and second being Umm Salamah (ra)
There are sixty five Ahadith narrated by her (ra)
One of them is regarding ‘the forbiddance of mourning for more than three days for a dead person except for her husband, which is four months and ten days.’
Another Hadith associated with her (ra), is regarding Miswak; where the Prophet (saw), ‘would have liked his Ummah to clean their teeth with Miswak before every prayer just as they perform the ablution.’
And another hadith she narrated is; ‘whoever prays four voluntary Rakah of prayer before and after the compulsory noon prayer Allah (swt), will make hell-fire forbidden for him.’
Allah (swt), answers Umm Habibah’s prayer against the murderer of Uthman bin Affan (ra)
When someone conveyed the message that Uthman bin Affan (ra), was martyred in his house after being besieged, she (ra), was so upset that she prayed the killer’s hands be cut off and that he should be disgraced and shamed in public.
And Allah (swt) fulfilled her prayer. A man entered the murderer’s house and attacked him with a sword; and when the murderer tried to protect himself with his right hand, it got cut off.
Then he tried to flee from him and ran into the street, holding his sheet with his teeth. But he could not manage it, the sheet fell, and he was left standing naked in front of all the people on the street disgraced and shamed.
Umm Habibah (ra), passes away in peace
During her brother Mu’awiyah’s rule Umm Habibah (ra), visited Damascus, and it was during his caliphate that she passed away in the year 44th after Hijrah
Before her death Umm Habibah (ra), sent messages to Aishah (ra), and Umm Salamah (ra), apologizing for any offense she (ra), might have caused them when disagreements or differences might have occurred
Both Aishah (ra), and Umm Salamah (ra), were very touched by this gesture Allah gives good news to them in Al-Fajr 89:28-30
“O the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back to your Lord-well pleased and well pleasing. Enter you then among My (honored) servants, and enter you my Paradise.”