Safiyyah Bint Huyayee (ra)
Saffiyah bint Huyayee (ra), Her Lineage, her freedom and her marriages
Safiyyah was the favorite daughter of Huyayee bin Akhtab the chieftain of the tribe of Banu Nadheer, a jewish tribe.
Saffiyah bint Huyayee (ra), Her Lineage, her freedom and her marriages
Safiyyah was the favorite daughter of Huyayee bin Akhtab the chieftain of the tribe of Banu Nadheer, a jewish tribe.
Her mother was Barah bint Shamwal who was the sister of Rafa’ah bin Shamwal. She was married to Salam bin Mashkam first, but they separated soon on the grounds of incompatibility
Her (ra), second husband was Kananah bin Rabi’ bin Haqeeq who was killed in the Battle of Khaibar
Her (ra), father and her paternal uncle Abu Yasir, loved Safiyyah (ra), deeply and used to lived in Al-Madinah
When the Prophet (saw) migrated to Madinah both Safiyyah’s father and uncle went to see him (ra), they recognized him and promised to be his enemy forever.
The Battle of Khaibar
When the Quraish prevented the Muslims from entering Makkah, i.e. after the treaty of Hudaibiyah, the news spread like wild fire through the whole of Arabian Peninsula that the Muslims had bowed and accepted an unfair treaty .
When the Jews in Khaibar heard this news, they decided to strike the Muslims in Madinah
When the Prophet heard the Jews were preparing for war, he (saw), gathered the fourteen hundred people who couldn’t perform Umrah even though they had set out for their journey halfway.
The Prophet (saw), took them as his army and set out to fight this battle of Khaibar in the early days of Muharram
The Prophets prayer
When he (saw), first sighted Khaibar he ordered his army to stop right there, and lifted his hands in supplication to Allah (swt). Whenever he traveled, it was his usual practice to recite this following prayer as soon as his eyes first fell on a city.
“O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and all that they envelop, Lord of the seven earths and all that they carry, Lord of the devils and all whom they misguide, Lord of the winds and all whom they whisk away, I ask you for the goodness of this village, the goodness of its inhabitants and for all the goodness found within it and I take refuge with You from the evil of this village, the evil of its inhabitants and from all the evil found within it”
The typical strategy of Prophet (saw), was that whenever he led his men to engage in battle, he planned to reach there by nightfall. But he was so principled that he would never attack the enemy at night in order to take them unawares
Soon after Fajr i.e. dawn prayers, the Prophet (saw) ordered the Mujahideen to advance and attack
The Jews of Khaibar started scattering towards their homes
When the Prophet (saw) saw them running he called out,
“Allah is Great, Khaibar is deserted, Khaibar is broken, Khaibar is destroyed and ruined!”.
By the grace of Allah (swt) the Muslims triumphed and all the ports of Khaibar were taken