The Prophet (saw), marries Safiyyah Bint Huyayee
The father of Safiyyah (ra), Huyayee bin Akhthab was killed in the battle of Bani Quraidhah. Her husband Kananah bin Rabiah bin Haqeeq was captured and killed for the crime of misgovernment. And Safiyyah (ra), was made a prisoner of war.
The father of Safiyyah (ra), Huyayee bin Akhthab was killed in the battle of Bani Quraidhah. Her husband Kananah bin Rabiah bin Haqeeq was captured and killed for the crime of misgovernment. And Safiyyah (ra), was made a prisoner of war.
Dahyah Kalbi (ra), a mujahid chose as his share of booty a slave girl i.e. Safiyyah.
However one of the Companion suggested that it would be better if the Prophet (saw) kept Safiyyah (ra), the daughter of a leader and chieftain, for himself and gave some other slave girl to Dahyan Kalbi.
The Prophet (saw) then freed Safiyyah and married her
Her dowry was her liberty from slavery. Ibn Al Qayyim.
On the return journey to Al-Madinah, the Prophet (saw), was camped in the outskirts when a sahaabiyat, Umm Salim Ansariah, dressed up Safiyyah (ra), in her bridal finery for the Prophet (saw)
Iman Thahabi Describes the Qualities and Character of Safiyyah (ra)
He said that she (ra), was noble both by birth as well as by nature: she was god-fearing intelligent, patient , tolerant and dignified .
When the Prophet (saw), saw a wound above her eye and asked her about it,she explained, she had dreamt that the moon had fallen into her lap.
When she told her husband about her dream, he slapped her in anger and told her that it meant she would be married with the king of Yathrib, i.e. Madinah .
When she married the Prophet (saw) she was 17 years old
Safiyyah’s Introduction to the Prophet (saw) Household
Safiyyah (ra), traveled in the company of the Prophet (saw), from Khaiber to Al-Madinah
She (ra), said she never came across a person who was more refined and well mannered than him, (saw).
Safiyyah also stated that he, (saw) was always pleasant and behaved like a perfect gentleman
When the people of Al-Madinah heard of his approach, they came out to greet him and his victorious army.
His (saw), wives were also longing to meet him after this great victory
When they heard, he had married the young beautiful daughter of the Jewish leader;
Aishah (ra), was disturbed by her feminine jealousy
He (ra), and his new bride went directly to Harithah bin Noman Ansari’s home stayed there for a while.
The ladies of Al-Madinah came there to meet Safiyyah (ra); and all of them were full of praise for her
Aishah’s (ra), Jealously Toward Safiyyah (ra).
When the Prophet (saw), asked Aishah (ra), for her opinion of Safiyyah (ra),. Aishah (ra), still vexed by her feminine jealousy, replied dryly that she had seen the Jewess .
The Prophet (saw), gently rebuked her, saying to her that “Safiyyah (ra), should no longer be referred to as Jewess, as she had accepted Islam”. Safiyyah, (ra), moved into her own home
Once Safiyyah, (ra), moved into her own place she displayed her noble upbringing by adopting a pleasant and friendly attitude with the other Mothers of the Believers.
She brought expensive gold jewelry with her from Khaiber and she presented this to the other wives.
She loved the Prophet’s (saw), daughter Fatimah (ra), and gave her gold earrings as a gift.
She tried her best to win a place in the hearts of Aishah and Hafshah (ra) because the Prophet (saw), held them in high esteem and loved them dearly.
An incident with Hafsah, (ra)
Safiyyah (ra), once mentioned to the Prophet (saw), that Hafsah (ra), taunted her, calling her the daughter of a Jew.The Prophet (saw) told her that she should have told Hafsah (ra), “She could not better than her; because her husband was Muhammad (saw), her father was Haroon as, and her uncle was Musa (as)”
An incident with Aishah, (ra)
On another occasion Aishah (ra), spoke of Safiyyah (ra), in disparaging manner in front of the Prophet (saw) .Prophet (saw), told Aishah (ra), that if her words were thrown into the ocean, they would make the whole ocean bitter .
Sahih Al-Bukhari Narrates An Incident about Safiyyah (ra).
On one occasion the Prophet (saw), was walking with Safiyyah (ra),
Two of the Ansar saw him walking closely with her, and greeted him
He asked them to stop, and explained to them that she was his wife, they praised Allah (swt), and said he need not explain.
He (saw), answered that Satan could pollute their minds, as he runs through the body like blood and he (saw), did not want to sow suspicions in their hearts .
The effect of Al-Qur’an in Safiyyah’s (ra), heart.
Safiyyah (ra), gave a lot of time to the reading of the Noble Qur’an and its effect on her heart was so intense, that she would weep because of the fear of Allah (swt).
She was extremely knowledgeable and spent most of her time memorizing, reciting, and learning the Qur’an
She was also very tolerant and forgiving, a good example is when she forgave her slave girl for carrying tales to Caliph Omar Farooq (ra),
Ayat 3:134
“3:134 who spend [in His way] in time of plenty and in time of hardship, and hold in check their anger, and pardon their fellow-men because God loves the doers of good. (Al Imran 134)
The Eyes Which Shed These Tears Will Go to Paradise As They are the Proof of Safiyyah (ra), Intense Love for Allah (swt)
And so they fall down upon their faces, weeping, and [their consciousness of God’s grace] increases their humility.
(Isra 109)
“O the one in complete rest and satisfaction! Comeback to your Lord-well pleased (yourself) and well pleasing (unto Him)! Enter you among them My (honored) servants, and enter you My Paradise” (89:27-30)