Maimoonah bint Harith Al Hilaliah (ra)
The Prophet (saw), said;
The Prophet (saw), said;
“Allah (swt) has commanded me to marry only with the women of Paradise.”
“Aishah (ra), said:
“By Allah, Maimoonah was the most Allah Fearing and nurtured the ties of kinship
Maimoonah (ra), bint Harith Al-Hilaliah came from a very illustrious family of martyrs, warriors and intellectuals.
Abu Hurairah and Abdullah bin Abbas (ra), narrated that the original name of Maimoonah (ra), was Barah, and was changed by the Prophet (saw).
Maimoonah’s (ra), father was Harith bin Hazan, from the tribe of Banu Halal
Her (ra), mother’s name was Hind bint Auf .Maimoonah (ra), had four sisters, they were ,Umm Al-Fadhal Lababah Sughra, and Asma and Uzzah.The prestigious grooms of the four sisters from Maimoonah (ra), Paternal side Umm Al-Fadhal Lababah Kubra, was married to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, and she had the honor of being the second lady to accept Islam after Khadijah (ra).
Lababah Sughra, married Waleed bin Mughairah; their son was Khalid bin Waleed, on of the greatest Generals of Islam.
Asma bint Harith, married bin Khalaf a great Companion
Uzzah bint Harith, married Ziyad bin Abdullah bin Malik
Maimoonah’s (ra), three sisters from her Maternal side
Asma bint Omais; was first married to Ja’far bin Abi Talib (ra), she had three sons from him, Abdullah, Awn, and Muhammad. When Ja’far was martyred she married Abu Bakr Siddique (ra), she had one son from him named Muhammad bin Abi Bakr.
When Abu Bakr Siddique (ra), died, she married for the third time to Ali bin Abi Talib (ra), and they had a son named Yahya.
Salamah bint Omais; married
Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib. The lion of the desert and uncle of the Prophet (saw)
And her third sister;
Salama bint Omais married
Abdullah bin Kab
Maimoonah’s (ra), mother Hind bint Auf had a unique distinction
Thus Hind bint Auf had the unique distinction of being the only woman who was
Mother-in-law of the Prophet (saw),
Mother-in-law of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr
Mother-in-law of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib
Mother-in-law of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib
Mother-in-law of Ja’far bin Abi Talib and
Mother-in-law of Ali bin Abi Talib (ra)
Maimoonah’s (ra), mother Hind bint Auf had a unique distinction of having two noble grandsons of high bearing
One of Hind bint Auf’s grandsons was Abdullah bin Abbas (ra), who was the greatest standard bearer of the Muslim army. He was a learned commentator on the Qur’an and well versed in Ahadith and Fiqh.
Another grandson was the greatest General mentioned above, Lababah Sughra’s son, Khalid bin Waleed (ra)
Maimoonah’s (ra), marriages
Maimoonah (ra), was first married to Mas’ood bin Amr bin Omair Thaqafi, but they soon separated on grounds of incompatibility.
Her (ra), second husband was Abu Raham bin Abdul Uzzah Amri Quraishi. He died shortly after their marriage and Maimoonah (ra), was widowed at a very early age .
In the year 7th after Hijrah the Prophet (saw), went with his companion to Makkah to perform Umrah and on arriving there he sent Ja’far bin Abi Talib (ra), with his proposal of marriage to Maimoonah (ra), She asked her brother-in-law Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (ra), to handle matters and after the Prophet’s (saw ) Umrah, Abbas (ra), arranged the ceremony i.e. Nikah
Allah (swt) says to the Prophet (saw) in Al-Ahzab 33:50
Translation Al-Ahzab 33:50
“O Prophet! Verily We have made lawful to you your wives, to whom you have paid their Mahr, and those (slaves) whom your right hand possesses-whom Allah has given to you, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who migrated with you, and a believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet wishes to marry her, a privilege for you only, not for the (rest of) the believers. Indeed we know what we have enjoined upon them about their wives and those whom their right hands possess, in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Maimoonah (ra), was the last lady that Muhammad (saw), married
After Umrah and the marriage ceremony, Prophet (saw), was asked to leave Makkah, hence he camped at Saraf which was about nine miles from Makkah, and here he celebrated the marriage.His slave, Abu Rafi brought Maimoonah (ra), on a camel to Saraf
It was here that her name was changed from Barah to Maimoonah (ra)
Both had completed the rites of Umrah; they changed their garments of Ihram and the marriage could take place according to Shariah
Maimoonah (ra), joins the Prophet’s (saw), household in Al-Madinah
Maimoonah was the last lady that Muhammad (saw), married. She was twenty-six years old at that time.When they reached Al-Madinah an apartment which was built next to the Prophet’s (saw) mosque was given to her (ra),
The other wives of the Prophet (saw), warmly welcomed her
Maimoonah’s (ra), piety and excellent memory made her highly valuable to all.
Maimoonah (ra), had an excellent memory, and knew by heart many Ahadith of the Prophet (saw) .
She (ra), has narrated 76 Ahadith, and is rated the third person to have done so amongst the wives.
She used to pray in the Prophet’s mosque because she heard him saying that one prayer init was the equivalent to a thousand prayers
A few Ahadith attributed to Maimoonah (ra),
An hadith from her (ra), “Someone asked the Prophet (saw ) regarding a mouse that had fallen into some clarified butter. He (ra) said the mouse and what surrounds it should be thrown out and the rest could be eaten, “ Sahih Al-Bukhari
Another Hadith from Maimoonah ( ) from Muslim.
“The Prophet (saw) was worried due to Jibril (as), not visiting him for some time, reason being a puppy was present in the house, Jibril (as), said when he came ‘that angels do not enter places where there are dogs or pictures.”
Maimoonah’s (ra), accommodating spirit
Aishah (ra), relates that the last fatal illness of the Prophet (saw), started while he was in the apartment of Maimoonah (ra).He asked permission of his other wives to spend those last days in the apartment of Aishah (ra), and they all readily agreed .Nine of his wives were alive at that time. They are Aishah, Maimoonah, Safiyyah, Juveriah, Saudah, Zainab, Ramlah, Hind and Hafsah (ra) .
Maimoonah (ra), passes away in the place of her marriage to the Prophet (saw), i.e. SARAF.
Maimoonah (ra), was valued highly for her traits like, God-Fearing and nurturing good relations with all members of the family. And this attribute was paid to her when she passed away by Aishah (ra), in the words .
Aishah said “By Allah! Maimoonah (ra), has passed away, she was the most Allah-Fearing and nurtured the ties of Kinship .
It was during the caliphate of Mu’awiyah (ra), in the year 51st after Hijrah, that Maimoonah (ra), died.
She was in Makkah and she fell ill there. She was very restless and wanted to be taken some place else. Her relatives took her to Saraf, the same place where she had got married to the Prophet (saw).
After reaching the exact point where she spent her wedding night, she passed away.
Abdullah bin Abbas (ra), conducted the funeral prayers, and she was buried with great honor
Allah gives good news to them in
Al-Fajr 89:28-30
“O the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back to your Lord-well pleased and well pleasing. Enter you then among My (honored) servants, and enter you my Paradise.”