Zainab bint Khazeemah ( ra )
The Prophet (saw) said: “Allah (swt) has commanded me to marry with the women of Paradise only”.
The Prophet (saw) said: “Allah (swt) has commanded me to marry with the women of Paradise only”.
She is the lady who was known as “The Mother of the distressed and needy because she would give charity to deserving people.
The Prophet, (saw), said that Allah (swt), had ordained that he can marry only those woman deserving of Paradise .
Zainab bint Khazeemah:The Mother of the Poor and Needy
She (ra), was a lady who was known as the mother of the poor and needy because she was the most generous amongst the ladies of the household.
She was given this title even before the advent of Islam because she could not bear to see anyone hungry or needy.
Ibn Kathir wrote: she earned the title because of generosity and charity.
This quality of generosity became more pronounced and intense when she converted to Islam, which has always.
Zainab bint Khazeemah marries Prophet (saw)
Zainab bin Khazeemab was born 13 years before Prophet Muhammad (saw) was chosen as the messenger of Allah (swt)
She was 27 when the Prophet (saw) was 40
Zainab bin Khazeemah was married to Abdullah bin Jahsh (ra), this highly respected Companion attained martyrdom during the battle of Uhud .
After the battle, the Companions married the widows and took the children under their protection giving them and their orphaned children security.
Zainab bin Khazeema (ra), attained the enviable position of becoming a wife of the Prophet (saw).
Zainab’s (ra), devotion to Allah (swt)
The Prophet (saw), marries Zainab
Zainab (ra), was in the same plait as Hamnah (ra), but she did not appeal to any human being instead entrusted her affairs entirely to Allah (swt) and devoted herself to prayer and meditation .
When she received a proposal from the best man possible, the Prophet (saw) she (ra), was overjoyed with the good fortune that Allah (swt) had bestowed on her.
Zainab (ra), joins the Prophet (saw) household.
The Prophet (saw) married her (ra), with a dowry of 400 dirham.
An apartment was constructed for her near Hafsah (ra) , and Aishah (ra),
Thus she joined the pure and virtuous ladies of the Prophet (saw), household.
Allah (swt), speaks of these ladies in the Quran 33:32-33
Al-Ahzab 33:32-33
And abide quietly in your homes, and do not flaunt your charms as they used to flaunt them in the old days of pagan ignorance; and be constant in prayer, and render the purifying dues, and pay heed unto God and His Apostle: for God only wants to remove from you all that might be loathsome, O you members of the [Prophet’s] household, and to purify you to utmost purity.
33:32 O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the [other] women, provided that you remain [truly] conscious of God. Hence, be not over-soft in your speech, lest any whose heart is diseased should be moved to desire [you]: but, withal, speak in a kindly way.
Aishah (ra), and Hafsah (ra), welcome their new friend
Aishah and Hafsah (ra) welcomed Zainab (ra), bint Khazeemah and gave her their sincere and sympathetic companionship.
They knew that the Prophet (saw) married Zainab (ra), because she was deeply affected by the death of her first husband .
Their kindness towards Zainab (ra), lightened her grief and gave her peace of mind
Young Zainab (ra), passess away at the age 30
Zainab bint Khazeemah lived barely eight months after her marriage to the Prophet (saw)
She was just 30 years old when she passed away .
The Prophet (saw), led her funeral prayer, and she (ra), was buried in Jannatul Baqi
Zainab (ra), was the 2nd wife to have passed away in the lifetime of Muhammad (saw), the first being Khadeejah, (ra)
Allah gives good news to them in
Al-Fajr 89:28-30
“O the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back to your Lord-well pleased and well pleasing. Enter you then among My (honored) servants, and enter you my Paradise”.