Hafsah’s (ra), Marriage to Khanees bin Hazafah Sehmi
Hafsah (ra) was married to Khanees bin Hazafah Sehmi
He was influenced by the teaching to Abu Bakr Siddique, (ra), and had accepted Islam.
When the leaders of Quraish heard about his conversation, they were enraged and he was subjected to the worst cruelty and oppression possible.
Hafsah (ra) Khanees (ra), bear a distinction of migrating twice
Due to the cruelty and oppression of the Quraish Khanees (ra), and Hafsah (ra), migrated to Abyssinia with the rest of the persecuted Muslims.
This was around the time when the Prophet (saw), had not yet started educating the new converts.
Hafsah (ra) was married to Khanees bin Hazafah Sehmi
He was influenced by the teaching to Abu Bakr Siddique, (ra), and had accepted Islam.
When the leaders of Quraish heard about his conversation, they were enraged and he was subjected to the worst cruelty and oppression possible.
Hafsah (ra) Khanees (ra), bear a distinction of migrating twice
Due to the cruelty and oppression of the Quraish Khanees (ra), and Hafsah (ra), migrated to Abyssinia with the rest of the persecuted Muslims.
This was around the time when the Prophet (saw), had not yet started educating the new converts.
They both however got homesick and returned back to Mecca where once again faced sufferings inflicted upon the Muslims.
After some time the call was given by the Prophet (saw) to migrate to Al-Madinah
Khanees (ra), answered the call, thus becoming one of the few faithful followers who went through rigors of migrating twice in the obedience to the Prophet’s (saw), call.
This time around he was with his wife
Hafsah (ra), On reaching Al-Madinah the Prophet (saw), strengthened the bonds of brotherhood between the migrants (Muhajireen) and the Ansar (Madinites)
Khanees (ra), a Student of Prophet (saw), and a good Warrior
Both Khanees and Hafsah (ra), loved the new life in Al- Madinah
Hafsah (ra), made a special arrangements to memorize the ayat of the Qur’an as and when they were revealed giving deep thought and attention to their meaning and interpretation.
Her husband meanwhile was preparing himself for Jihad, improving his martial skills and learning the movements of the enemy as an accomplished horse-rider ready to meet them head-on.
Khanees bin Hafasah (ra), fights a heroic battle in Badr
Khanees bin Hazafah, Umar Farooq, and the maternal and paternal uncles of Hafsah (ra), and her cousin were all a part of this courageous band.
Her husband was determined to win the battle for Allah (swt) and destroy Abu Jahl forces.
Finally the forces met and Khanees bin Hazafah went tearing through the ranks of the enemy.
He was seriously wounded but most of the leaders of the disbelievers were killed, and Islam triumph.
It is one of the greatest battles fought in history where a handful of unarmed and out-numbered men routed a powerful and well equipped army.
The Prophet (saw), stayed at Badr for three days, while the injured were attended to; then he (saw), lead the victorious and jubilant forces back to Al-Madina.
Hafsah’s (ra), love for Khanees bin Hazafah
When Hafsah (ra), heard of her husband’s heroic deeds, she (ra), was very happy and praised his valor in battle, realizing he was injured and needed her care.
She immediately read the ayah of Surah ,Al-Anfal which were revealed with connection to the battle of Badr .
These words of Allah (swt), promising victory inspired Hafsah (ra), and she nursed her husband back to health, however his wound was still sore and he succumbed to them.
Surah Al-Anfal 8:10
“Allah (swt) has made it only as glad tidings, as that your hearts be at rest therewith. And there is no victory except from Allah (swt). Verily, Allah(swt) is All-Mighty, All-Wise”
Khanees bin Hazafah (ra), passes away
A few days later Khanees (ra), succumbed to his injuries and joined the ranks of those who are blessed with eternal life.
The Prophet (saw), arranged for him to be buried in “Jannatul Baqi” next to the uncle of Hafsah (ra),
He (saw), personally led the funeral prayer
Hafsah (ra), was naturally grief-stricken but being a true believer she (ra), respectfully submitted herself to prayer and meditation more than ever before.
At this time she was barely twenty one years old