Umar Farooq (ra), seeks a groom for his grief-stricken daughter.
Hafsah’s (ra), father Umar (ra), was very pained to see his daughter in this state
Hafsah’s (ra), silent courage and her patient prayer and her study of the Qur’an radiated her face with a spiritual beauty and innocence,
Not to mention a sadness and harsh loneliness that had become a part of her life.
After deep thought, Umar( ra), decided to approach Uthman bin Affan (ra), with the proposal, however Uthman bin Affan (ra), declined.
Hafsah’s (ra), father Umar (ra), was very pained to see his daughter in this state
Hafsah’s (ra), silent courage and her patient prayer and her study of the Qur’an radiated her face with a spiritual beauty and innocence,
Not to mention a sadness and harsh loneliness that had become a part of her life.
After deep thought, Umar( ra), decided to approach Uthman bin Affan (ra), with the proposal, however Uthman bin Affan (ra), declined.
Then he went to Abu Bakr As-Siddique (ra), and offered him his daughter in marriage, he too lowered his gaze and did not answer him .
Umar Farooq (ra), then he went to the Prophet (saw) with his grievance and the Prophet (saw) smiling answered,
“Do not worry or grieve Umar, for Allah (swt), will find a man better than Uthman for Hafsah and Uthman in turn will find for himself a better woman than Hafsah (ra).
Hafsah (ra), marries the Prophet (saw)
A few days later, the Prophet (saw) married his daughter Umm Kulthom (ra), to Uthman
And one day the Prophet (saw) proposed marriage to Hafsah (ra), making Umar (ra), honored and blessed to join the family of the Prophet (saw).
Hafsah ra), was married to the Prophet (saw) in the 3rd year after Hijrah before the battle of Uhud, she was then 22 yrs old.
Umar Farooq’s (ra), Advice to His Daughter
The Prophet’s (saw) prediction was proved right.
Both Abu Bakr and Uthman told Umar (ra), they declined his proposal because the Prophet (saw), had shown interest in his daughter for marriage.
Umar (ra), advised his daughter never to compete with Aishah (ra) who was the Prophet’s (saw) favorite wife and better than her in many respects.
He (saw) also said, she should respect her sincerely and live happily as a member of the first and foremost family.
Hafsah (ra), a seeker of Knowledge and a Woman of great Aptitude.
After attaining the position of the Mother of the Believers, Hafsah (ra), became even more absorbed in studying the finer points of religion
She memorized the different ayat as and when they were revealed
She (ra), would store in her mind conversations of Muhammad (saw) which would lead to a better understanding of Islam
Often she would discuss with the Prophet (saw), issues about the Shari’ah.
Hafsah’s (ra ), confidence leads her to trouble
Umm Mubashir (ra), relates, that she and Hafsah (ra), and the Prophet (saw) were sitting and chatting together
He said, “All the people who had given the pledge of Allegiance at Hudaybiyyah under the tree would go to Paradise.
Hafsah (ra), asked, “how is that possible”
The Prophet (saw), got annoyed, but Hafsah (ra), did not give up and quoted an ayah from Surah Maryam (19:71)
“And every one of you will come within sight of it: this is, with your Sustainer, a decree that must be fulfilled”.
In reply, (saw), he quoted the very next ayah from the same Surah Al Maryam 19:72
“Then we shall save those who used to fear Allah (swt ), and were dutiful to Him. And, we shall leave the wrongdoers therein, (hellfire) to their knees”
Umar Farooq (ra), confronts his Daughter
This news of Hafsah (ra) disputing with the Prophet (saw) spread in Al Madinah
When Umar Farooq heards about it, he reprimanded his daughter who replied “Aishah (ra) also spoke in the same manner the Prophet (saw).
Her father again, cautioned her not to compete with Aishah (ra) and to maintain a certain decorum or else she would get into trouble.